Sylvie Mutschler-von Specht
Sylvie Mutschler-von Specht is the founder and Chief Executive of Mutschler-Ventures AG and of Mutschler Outlet Holding AG and is the Chairwoman of MIAG Mutschler Immobilien AG.
For the last 30 years, Sylvie has acted as an entrepreneur, advisor, and active investor, with a focus on commercial and residential real estate projects, as well as on making early and later stage investments in a significant number and variety of start-up companies. She is a founding shareholder and a board member of the Swiss private bank Bergos AG, based in Zurich, Switzerland. In addition, she is a board member of AvS International Trusted Advisors, based in Frankfurt, Germany.
Sylvie is based in the Zurich area, Switzerland, and has been active in cultural and social activities, including EDUCA SWISS, a non-profit organization fostering talented but economically disadvantaged students, and Startup Teens, a non-profit organization providing mentoring and seed capital to teenagers with significant business start-up projects. She supports young musicians and ballet dancers as well as arts-related events.
Sylvie was born and raised in Hamburg, Germany. She studied Business Administration at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland and at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, United States.