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PAF Energy Transition Research features original insights on key segments of the global renewable energy, sustainable transportation, climate finance, and sustainable living sectors.

Global Solar Market Review

Our Global Solar PV 2022 Report is released against a backdrop of global geopolitical unrest, continued inflationary pressures, central banks raising interest rates, and a mixed economic global growth outlook. The post-COVID economic growth recovery and its inflationary impact was already a creeping challenge to contend with coming out of 2021, with the Russia-Ukraine conflict serving to cause unprecedented volatility across global energy markets. Against this backdrop, we see no better time to provide some insights into where we see the global solar PV markets going through the remainder of this year and into 2023.

We hope you will enjoy reading our inaugural report on the Global Solar Market.

PAF Global Infrastructure GP Report

The purpose of PAF’s Annual Infrastructure Investment in the Global Clean Economy Report is to provide a high-level view of the demand drivers, opportunities, challenges and outlook prevalent in major markets for infrastructure investment in clean economy sectors of renewable energy, electric transportation, and the built environment. An understanding of global industry trends and country-specific market factors are critical to success for all potential market entrants.

We hope you will enjoy reading our inaugural report on the Global Infrastructure Investment in the Global Clean Economy.

Global EV Transportation Market Review

Our first look into the electrification of global transportation looks at the global policy features involved, then the early investment being made, and the early development activities of the principal market participants. We then explore regional dynamics involved, trends, outlooks, and next steps. We follow by diving into the core markets and economies in providing a closer look at opportunities, challenges, and expected paths forward.

The purpose of PAFs Annual Primer series is to provide a high-level view of the demand drivers, opportunities, challenges and outlook prevalent in major markets. An understanding of global industry trends and country- specific market factors are critical to success for all potential market entrants.

PAF Global Onshore Wind Market Review

The onshore wind industry has gradually been approaching maturity across markets globally. It is an established technology with minimal scope for changes. The project cost is range-bound after providing for local factors, while most resource- rich locations are exhausted. In such a backdrop, the industry’s dynamics assume importance, especially as competitive options in solar and offshore wind are poised to tip the scales in the renewable energy mix.

We hope you will enjoy reading our annual review of the Global Onshore Wind Market. We look forward to briefing you on other renewable energy technologies in the coming months.

Global Energy Storage Market Review

The Global Energy Storage market outlook is that of a five-fold rise in battery storage capacity by 2030. Grid-scale units, especially those led by co-located battery storage with renewable generation, is the major growth driver. Lithium-Ion continues to be in market leadership position even as other technology options enter the fray in a gradual rollout. Global macroeconomic uncertainties such as in terms logistics and inflationary pressures could act as temporary dampeners in some of the storage markets. Yet the growth prospects in the market strongly rest on the imminent shift in power systems and its energy delivery.

We hope you will enjoy reading our inaugural report on the Global Energy Storage Market.

PAF Global Private Equity GP Report – 2022

The PAF Private Equity Investment in the Global Clean Economy report provides an insight into Global Private Equity Investment in the global clean economy. The findings of the report are based on primary and secondary research conducted by Pan American Finance (“PAF”) and its research partner Alchemy Research and Analytics.

We hope you will enjoy reading our inaugural report on the Private Equity Investment in the Global Clean Economy.