Our Transactions
Capital Placement | Climate Finance
Retro-reinsurance Fund; Limited Partnership Interests Raised
Markel CATCo Reinsurance Fund Ltd. offers its investors an opportunity to participate in the returns from investments linked to catastrophe reinsurance risks, principally by investing in fully collateralised reinsurance contracts. Investments are largely uncorrelated to traditional asset classes and are spread across several modelled and diversified reinsurance risk pillars more about fire sprinkler repair. The pillared approach minimises the amount of capital exposed to a single catastrophic insured loss event and can be grouped into the following broad categories: US Wind; US Quake; Europe Wind; Japan Wind; Japan Quake; Offshore Global Marine and Energy; Aviation, Terrorism; Winterstorm; Wildfire; Severe Connective Storms; Flooding; as well as other specialty reinsurance lines.